Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Send us your love notes!

In recognition of Global Love Day May 1st and as part of MPT’s Campaign for Love & Forgiveness, we invite our blog readers and MPT viewers to share their own stories of love!

Send us (outreach@mpt.org) your thoughts on love (around 200 words), and we’ll post it here on The Buzz to join in this international celebration of peace and love. Or, post your video story about love onto YouTube and send us your link. We’ll post it here with the other “love notes” on our blog!

Here’s our own first Global Love Day blog:

LOVE. Four letters that make up the most meaningful word in the world. I am only 21, so I would not say I am an expert (yet), but I do know a thing or two about love. When I was younger, I was told that love should be selfless and unconditional. I just thought it was something you say back to your mom and dad. But now that I’m an adult, I can now fully understand the meaning of love.

Selfless love is shown by way of sacrifice. This kind of love I am still working on, but have had much practice in my four-year relationship with my boyfriend. We go to separate schools now, so I feel that much of our relationship is based on sacrifice. Having to make time with both of our busy schedules. Having to sacrifice travel time (and split it equally) when we want to see each other. There is much that I am still learning about selfless love, but as of now, I feel that it is the most rewarding.

Unconditional love is something I get from my family; Mom, Dad, brother, aunts, uncles…This kind of love I put to the test with my parents when I was younger because my brother and I were always getting into trouble. I used to think, “Mom’s going to hate us after she finds out what we did!” But then I came to see that my family loves me no matter what, and that is truly a gift.

Krissy Leventis
Communications and Outreach Intern

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