What is it about those Britcoms? That’s a question I had to examine when I became the editor of Tea Times, MPT’s Afternoon Tea newsletter.
When my boss, Eric Eggleton, first talked about giving MPT viewers more information on anything and everything British over two years ago, I’ll admit I was a bit perplexed. But he had done his homework, and knew MPT has a very large Britcom following. And these folks are true Anglophiles.
So we scratched our heads, brainstormed and eventually the idea of Afternoon Tea—a back-to-back Britcom comedy extravaganza—was born. We hired a host for segments between the weekday afternoon programming and launched a website that includes the Tea Times newsletter and weekly trivia question. Our aspirations were for 4,000 to register for the newsletter; today we have almost 9,000. They come from all over the United States, and even a few from different countries! And believe me when I say that we are honored to have you come to read Tea Times each month.
We also have a cool mug (I’m holding one in the photo below!) we give away each week to a randomly selected winner of the weekly Afternoon Tea trivia question. Test your knowledge about the shows you love to watch and see if you too can win one of these prized mugs.
If you’re a Britcom lover and haven’t yet looked at Tea Times or played the trivia question, we invite you to do so at www.mpt.org/tea. It’s free, so come on, join in the fun! You’ll be in good company.